What do you enjoy about working in Cornmarket?
A career in Cornmarket means you never stop learning. Constant innovation is commonplace and creates a fast-paced work-day in our department. We are entering a very busy time of the year with a number of our clients reaching retirement dates and we are here to provide them with options to help with that transition. The knowledge that I am doing meaningful work is a highly motivating factor in my role.
What does your typical day look like?
My day revolves around arranging and completing client appointments, conducting financial health checks and setting up and issuing different life policies. I help clients financially plan and set goals for their future.
What are you most looking forward to in the year ahead in Cornmarket?
Exceeding my sales target from that of last year is something that comes to mind. I enjoy the competitive aspect of the role – it helps me to continuously do my best. I am also a member of the golf society and we have a number of trips planned away this year, they are always something to look forward to.