Cornmarket is proud to support charity organisation SeeBeyondBorders Ireland; who work with Cambodian teachers through teacher training workshops and mentoring to enhance their professional development and help improve the education system in Cambodia.

Cornmarket is supporting the work that SeeBeyondBorders are doing to improve education and life prospects for children in Cambodia. Commenting on the support, Maeve Corish Chair of SeeBeyondBorders Ireland said:

“We are thrilled to have Cornmarket as a partner for our charity. Cornmarket’s investment is creating real change for Cambodian children. Ireland has seen how the role of education can be transformative in nation building and increment life chances and prosperity of citizens. We want the same for Cambodia. Over the coming months we hope to strengthen our strategic links with Cornmarket, the INTO and other partners in Ireland to fuel our work here in Cambodia. This is just the beginning.”

The work that SeeBeyondBorders is doing in Cambodia is fantastic and Cornmarket is delighted to be a supporter of this very worthy cause.

Learn more about the work of SeeBeyondBorders here: