These tips will help prevent bad breath and promote better oral health.


1. Brush teeth twice daily


Brush your teeth for two to three minutes, a minimum of twice a day – clean off plaque and collected food debris. It’s vital to brush your teeth before bed. Also try an extra brush with baking soda, to reduce to acidity in the mouth, making it harder for smelly bacteria to grow.


2. Floss daily


Flossing removes food debris from in between the teeth that toothbrushes don't reach. You must remove this debris otherwise the bacteria feed on it, causing bad breath.


3. Brush or scrape your tongue


Remove any residue building up between the taste buds and folds in the tongue with a cheap gadget called a tongue scraper, available all chemists. Or you can use a tooth brush your tongue.


4.Use a mouth wash


If a dental problem is causing chronic bad breath, a mouth rinse will only mask the odour – not cure it. Sometimes mouth rinses can worsen bad breath by irritating oral tissue. For a quick freshen up, rinse with a mix of water and a few drops of peppermint oil. Or try black or green tea –according to the University of Illinois at Chicago, this also suppresses the growth of bacteria that cause mouth odour.


5. Visit your dentist


The best way to maintain oral hygiene is to visit your dentist regularly. For chronic bad breath, visit your dentist first. They can rule out any dental problems. If your dentist decides the cause is a systemic (internal) source like an infection, they can refer you to your GP or a specialist for further treatment.


6. Stop smoking and avoid tobacco


Smoking causes bad breath by drying out your mouth, and can leave a nasty smell that lingers even after brushing your teeth.


7. Wet your whistle


Drink six to eight glasses of water a day to avoid a dry mouth. This is will also help to wash away smelly food particles and bacteria – the main cause of bad breath. If you suffer from chronic dry mouth or take medications that cause a dry mouth, ask your dentist about an over-the-counter saliva substitute.


8. Eat sugarless sweets or chew sugarless gum


Sucking on a sugarless sweet or chewing sugarless gum stimulates saliva flow –washing away smelly bacteria and food debris.


9. Munch carrots, celery and apples


Crispy fresh fruits and vegetables increase saliva flow between meals – washing away bacteria from teeth, tongue and gums that cause bad breath. They can also prevent bad breath caused by hunger or fasting – an empty stomach from skipping meals can cause smelly breath from acid build up in the stomach.                                                          SOURCE:  - Cornmarket cannot be held responsible for information contained on third party websites.