Business in the community

We've worked closely with Business in the Community's Schools’ Business Partnership (SBP) since 2006 - on a number of exciting initiatives supported by our many staff volunteers, these include:

Time to Count

What is it? Our employees volunteer their time to provide numeracy support to 3rd class primary school children of St Brigid’s National School, Dublin 8. The programme aims to help children discover the joy of numbers and the world of maths for themselves.

Student Mentoring Programme

What is it? We all have someone we aspire to, who inspires us. Who has achieved things we respect – someone we can learn from. A group of our employees volunteer their time to mentor students from 5th year through to the leaving cert, encouraging them to achieve their full potential. 

World of Work 

We work closely with the World of Work Programme where we’re partnered with St. David's CBS School, Artane, Dublin 5 and St. Paul's CBS School, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7. We offer voluntary academic support to pupils in both schools. We give them invaluable onsite work experience at Cornmarket, guiding them towards the big move into the workplace through informative presentations and vital CV building advice. Students also participate in mock interviews and discussions to stimulate their career interests.

Time to Grow

The programme aims to provide students in TY or Senior Cycle a work experience placement in a partner company.  We partnered with St Paul’s CBS and Mount Carmel on this initiative to help students gain experience in a work environment.

Management Excellence for Principals

As part of a vision to maximize the interaction between the leaders of the business and education sectors for the mutual benefit of both; our staff volunteer to provide skills to principles & teachers (e.g. digital marketing with a school environment, leadership training, etc.)


Feedback from our mentors