Cumann na mBunscol

Cumann na mBunscol is a voluntary organisation made up of Irish primary school teachers who promote traditional Gaelic sports amongst their schools. We’ve been committed sponsors of the Cumann na mBunscol National Awards since 2009. These annual awards recognise the teachers and schools who passionately promote Gaelic games in their schools. In the words of our Director, Ivan Ahern “Cumann na mBunscol do immense work on the ground, promoting Gaelic Games in primary schools. We recognise the influence of Irish sport in the lives of children. And coming from a GAA background myself, I feel strongly about the importance of promoting Gaelic games – not only to keep Irish tradition alive amongst children, but for its huge health and social benefits". 

“Cornmarket got involved in the awards to help honour the dedicated teachers, and Cumann na mBunscol representatives, for their tireless efforts over the years. These awards recognise the individuals who nurture young Irish children, instilling the true heart of Gaelic games.”