Starting a family – what you need to know

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Recently the four health insurance providers added to their fertility and maternity plans.


Some providers now allow you to claim back on some Fertility treatments. These are usually IVF, IUI and ICSI, however this is not available on all plans and you may need to serve a 52 week waiting period if this isn’t covered on your existing plan.


Maternity cover comes as a minimum benefit on every health insurance contract. So you’re fully covered for treatment in public hospitals – with entitlement to three nights, with nothing payable by you.

But remember there’s a 52 week waiting period for maternity cover if you’re a new entrant to health insurance, and if you’re increasing your cover.

If you want private or semi-private (semi-private is currently only available in Dublin) maternity cover, you must pay the consultant upfront for the treatment, then your insurer will cover the cost of the hospital bill (depending on your level of cover).

It’s also possible to claim back for the consultant fees, around €200 - €400 depending on your cover.

Call one of our friendly experts to check you’ve got the best cover for you.