Health insurance

Save on average €392 by reviewing your cover with us!*

*Average saving based on 4,892 Cornmarket customers who reviewed & switched their cover between October 2022 & October 2023. Source, Cornmarket November 2023.

Health insurance comparison service for FSU members

Health Insurance can be complicated with hundreds of plans available across four insurers but it doesn’t need to be.  We are Ireland's largest health insurance broker and in one phone call we compare all plans with all providers for you to ensure you get the best plan that meets your needs and your budget. 

So don’t delay, speak to one our Health Insurance experts today and let us find the cover that’s right for you. Don’t forget to ask us about the exclusive discounts available for FSU members.

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Don't miss out!

Save on average €392 by reviewing your cover with us!*

*Average saving based on 4,892 Cornmarket customers who reviewed & switched their cover between October 2022 & October 2023. Source, Cornmarket November 2023

Call us on (01) 408 6218 or

Get a quote online

We compare all health insurance plans from all providers

We’re Ireland's largest health insurance broker. Our health insurance experts compare plans across the whole market to find the cover that’s right for you. In just one call we will:

  • Analyse

    We take the time to understand your/or your family's needs to identify the cover that best meets your needs and budget.

  • Compare

    We meticulously search every plan on the market, from all providers (Irish Life Health, Laya Healthcare, VHI Healthcare and Level Health) to find the best plan to suit your needs.

  • Consult

    We select four plans (one from each provider). Then explain the benefits of each compared to your current plan (if applicable).

  • Advise

    We give impartial advice on which plan across the whole market is best for you - including explaining the difference between plans chosen for you.

  • Select

    We recommend the best plan at the best price. It can be up and running in minutes, with all your documentation emailed to you.

Watch our short video to learn more