Life Insurance Comparison Service

We're delighted to offer you our Price Match Comparison service!*

How does our Price Match Comparison service work?

Price Match guarantee ensures you get our best offer on your Life Insurance without having to shop around extensively. We compare 5 different insurers to ensure your cover suits your needs at a great cost.*

Get your FREE Life Insurance Review today!

Our Comparison service covers all your needs when it comes to protection!

Life Insurance

A Life Insurance policy protects your loved ones and gives you peace of mind. It pays a lump sum when you die and means that, whatever happens, those you love most are taken care of financially (subject to the underwriter’s terms and conditions). We make Life Insurance easy by providing Price Match Comparison * and excellent customer service – saving you time and money.

Mortgage Protection

Mortgage Protection safeguards your home. It pays off your mortgage if you die (subject to the underwriter’s terms and conditions), so the people left behind are secure. It’s vital cover, from the day you buy your home until your mortgage is paid.

Your bank will suggest a policy for you, but it might not be the best fit for your needs.  We can ensure your mortgage is protected at a competitive price with our Price Match Comparison!* Insurers are always offering new policies, at better prices. Make sure you take some time to review your policy!

Specified Illness Cover

Specified Illness Cover is financial protection if you get sick. It gives you a lump sum (subject to the underwriter’s terms and conditions) to help with the additional costs that can come with dealing with an illness. With this cover in place, you can just focus on getting better. We can ensure you stay protected with our Price Match Comparison, to offer you our best quote for your cover!*

Get your FREE Life Insurance Review today!

Additional benefits

When you take out your Life Insurance, you can get additional benefits like Nurse on Call, International Second Opinion, Message a Doctor, Claims Care, Women’s Health Advice and Online Prescriptions.†

Additionally, you can complete your medical questions at home in your own time on the easy and efficient Underwriting Submission Platform after meeting with our advisor.

Finally, the insurer Irish Life Assurance plc permits a fast-underwriting decision, with up to 70%** of applications accepted for cover immediately!

Why choose us?

In one quick phone call, our friendly experts find the right cover for your needs and get you the lowest price on the policies that we quote. Because finding the right Life Insurance shouldn’t get in the way of living life!

*Offer subject to a min premium of €15.15 per month. Available to new Irish Life Assurance plc, Life Insurance customers only. Maximum sum assured €1.5 million (inclusive of government levy).

**Source: Irish Life Assurance plc - Feb 2024.

†Depending on the policy you take out, additional benefits may include Nurse on Call, International Second Opinion, Message a Doctor, Claims Care, Women’s Health Advice and Online Prescriptions. This will be confirmed by your Cornmarket consultant. These are not regulated financial products.