Allianz Auto Assist Motor Accident & Theft Emergency Service: Included for all policies
Allianz Breakdown Assistance: Automatically included on Comprehensive policies – includes Roadside & Driveway assistance, journey continuation in Ireland up to the value of €150. Please call 1890 779 999 for more details
Step-Back No Claims Discount: In any consecutive three-year renewal period a policyholder may incur:
Replacement Locks: Up to €750 if the car keys are stolen.
Fire Brigade Charges: Up to €500.
Driving of other Cars: Third party only cover for proposers aged 25 and over.
Windscreen Cover: Automatically included for Comprehensive policies. Optional extra for Third Party, Fire and Theft policies.
New Car Replacement: We will replace the car as new – if damaged to an extent greater than 60% within 12 months of its purchase as new, and if it has not travelled more than 24,000 kilometres.
Motor Tax: Following a total loss, we will refund the unexpired portion of the Motor Tax, if the customer cannot recover a refund from the Licensing Authority.
Drivers Aged Under 25: Must be named on a policy. Cover is restricted to Third Party, Fire and Theft. The additional excess of €190 will apply.
If you have any questions regarding any of the benefits of the Motorbroker Allianz Car Insurance policy, please call us on (01) 408 4020 or alternatively email us at