Most of us have cast a thought about what life will be like when we stop working and retire. The reality is that people are living longer and when we reach retirement, we not only want to maintain our current standard of living; we also want to be able to enjoy all the things that we can do with the extra free time!
For some, the standard Public Sector pension may adequately serve these needs; but for others, some additional planning may be required. This is where the Cornmarket AVC Scheme comes in.
Designed for Public Sector employees like you, and with tens of thousands of existing members, the AVC Scheme allows you to build up additional savings now, in a very tax efficient manner, for use at retirement to top up the benefits you will receive from your employer.
For more information, call us on (01) 408 6282
Warning:: This product may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
Warning:: If you invest in this product you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
Warning:: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.